Friday, May 29, 2009


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Eyes in a Dream


I wasn’t really me in the dream; I think I might have been Clair from six feet under.

It felt like I was in movie or TV show. There was this demons possessing people and when it possessed you would know cause your forehead would be come bigger and have lots of eyes and one big white one in the middle.

Apparently the charters was in this dream had a forbidden love for her brother, David. He was possessed And I seduced him. His lover Keith came in after we had finished and he became possessed.

Victoria, tried to find the cure thro Disney films while we had a bath together. Apparently we had to find these 3 birds that would scared the demon.

I then became possessed. And I got mad at Victoria, and tried to find my home. I was in London but I was trying to find the apartment I lived in, when I lived in Toronto. And then I ran into Colin who said I had to sign up to see the play.

We Ended up going to st john we were all use to go to Youth group together. And I was still in a bitchy mood. I went into the basement, and there was a black cat that ran buy. And I went out a door to the out side.

There was this thick long green grass, that when you walked in it you would almost sink like quick sand.